What is Feldenkrais®?

What is Feldenkrais®?The Feldenkrais Method® is not medicine, not chiropractic, not massage, not yoga; instead it is a powerful, innovative and effective learning system. You learn how to replace old redundant movement patterns with newer more useful ones. You will discover that you have the capacity to become more skilful and improve your quality of life as you mature and age.

The Feldenkrais Method stems from a simple reality: once you feel how your body moves, you can use the information to improve your actions … and create new ones.

You learn to move and function more efficiently without stressing your body, so you are able to participate in activities throughout your whole life, instead of giving up something you love, because your body can’t keep up. Find optimal health. Seek excellence. Hit the golf ball further, run and walk with comfort and much more. Recover from pain and injury. It is liberating to understand that you need not be trapped by old habits, pain or social expectations. Imagine finding a way to do whatever you want easily and more efficiently!

The Feldenkrais Method is named after its founder, distinguished scientist and educator, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Feldenkrais is an elegant, gentle, provocative and effective method.

Why do it? Bottom line — it works!

The Feldenkrais Method is presented in two formats:

Awareness Through Movement® Class work: Through structured subtle movement sequences, each student develops awareness, flexibility, improved coordination and balance. Learn more.

Functional Integration® Individual sessions: Specific needs are addressed through gentle, hands-on communication, the student is fully clothed and the work is usually done lying on a firm table or sitting. Learn more.

Functional Integration®

Functional Integration®A Functional Integration lesson is a one-on-one learning process usually communicated through gentle precise touch. The client is comfortably clothed and in most instances lies or sits on a low padded table. This process gives individualized feedback directly to the neuromuscular system and alters habitual patterns of action.

Many habits cause the body to overwork unconsciously and develop faulty patterns of action that are only recognized when manifested as pain or some kind of functional difficulty, such as back pain or postural difficulties.

Feldenkrais makes changes at the source of movement — the control center or the nervous system — improving the ability to function more efficiently and spontaneously in any given context.

Awareness Through Movement®

Awareness Through Movement®In Awareness Through Movement lessons, students are verbally guided through precisely structured movement sequences designed to help each student individually discover easier ways of moving and improving specific functions. The practitioner creates a safe, learning environment, and through a process of awareness, exploration and feedback, the student becomes aware of habitual and limiting neuromuscular patterns and then finds new options for more efficient ways of functioning. Improvement of posture, walking, running, climbing, sitting, reduction of pain, and all human actions can be significantly and spontaneously improved with this work. Awareness Through Movement lessons are usually done lying or sitting wearing loose, comfortable everyday clothing.